Christmas Stocking

Day 25: Write for as long as you can about a small object until it starts echoing the universe…

30 Hundred-Word Drabbles, one for each day in November, part of

FlashNaNo 2023

25th November 2023

“Just one month left till Christmas. I should hang my sock on my bed – in readiness for the big day.

“Oh NO! It’s not in my drawer. Where did I put it?”


I searched behind the laundry basket, tidying around it to check.

I searched behind the drawers, tidying there too to check.

I even searched and tidied under my bed!

So loudly Martians would hear me I howled, “WHERE’S MY CHRISTMAS STOCKING???!!!


Mum peeked in and smiled.

Next time I looked back where it should be, I found it. I had tidied my room, Mum had put it back!


All stories and doodles on Tread Doodle & Scrawl unless otherwise attributed are authored or drawn by and ©️ of Dominic Barton