“We found a body, but not the body we were looking for.

30 One Hundred Word Drabbles, one for each day in November as part of

FlashNaNo 2023

Wednesday 1st November

I had thought we got one word to work with, I was surprised when this inclusion was 12% of my word count. Still, the challenge commences.


‘Water water everywhere’, words of Coleridge – not descriptive of our quest, but relevant? Read on.

We were searching for our main body of cattle. They had wandered too far across the plain.

Riding hard for three days we gained the foothills and started to climb as torrential rain hit the Basin. Looking back we realised why the cattle had wandered. Below us we found a body, but not the body we were looking for. A body of water stretching as far as we could see.

Two days more to round up our cattle, by when the basin was dry again.

All stories and doodles on Tread Doodle & Scrawl unless otherwise attributed are authored or drawn by and ©️ of Dominic Barton