Artist Ducks

A Postcard Series

Monday 15th January 2024

My mind was a complete blank this morning at the start of our ZoomArt&Doodle Group, usually I start drawing then see what happens. Not even one mark on the paper.

I noticed two of my plastic ducks trying to get my attention, both Artist Ducks. (My 20 or so plastic duck collection are a great source of joy when the GrandChildren come visiting.)

So whilst the two artists paddled and painted me I quickly sketched them.

And I suppose now I should think of a story..

– Quick edit, over lunch I inked in a few of the pencil lines, maybe an improvement…

Albert and Quack couldn’t stay in any longer, the four walls of their room were driving them crazy. So despite the sub zero temperature they packed their art supplies and headed out to the pond.

‘Croak Croak’ said the frog, birds twittered in the reeds. But what caught their inspiration to paint was an artist sat on the shore line, so whilst they painted him, he drew them.

Writing and Images on Tread Doodle & Scrawl authored, drawn or taken by me, ©️ Dominic Barton